Cincinnatian Hotel Blog
Cincinnatian Hotel Blog
Cincinnati Arts
Cincinnati Opera is for the kids too!

On the suggestion of one of The Cincinnatian Hotel's regular guests, a strong and articulate supporter of the arts named Janet Collier, I attended the matinee performance of The Cincinnati Opera's production of Bizet's Carmen. It was my first Opera and I am proud to say it won't be my last. I am hooked.

It took me 37 years to attend my first one; and it will take my son only about 6 to attend his first. Yes, that's right. Perhaps the most exciting thing that my attendance at the opera brought to light was the realization that, in many respects, it is the perfect medium for children. No need to worry about the chronic late 20th and early 21st Century pablum of ADD and other overdiagnosed childhood development acronyms, for if you take your child to the Opera, he simply won't have the time nor the inclination to get bored. Contrary to all the rubbish that is normally cited about the Opera, it is a thoroughly entertaining medium in most every respect.

In the course of Carmen's Bizet, your child will witness, along with the tremendously powerful and sonorous singing that is the mainstay of the classical genre, several tightly choreographed dagger fights (much better than Disney's 'the Pirates of the Caribbean'), a band of marching and dancing soldiers, fighting women (between Carmen and her Clan), dueling men, running children, a loud and boisterous bullfighter with a sword jumping about from table to table singing his lungs to the rafters, as well as enough general ribaldry and merriment to make just about any kid a great and stolid admirer of his very first performance. In fact, I talked to several kids while I was there (one as young as 4) and to them it may as well have been a Disney Movie. They were truly enchanted, girls and boys alike. Well done Cincinnati Opera company. You've earned yourself another adult supporter, and dare I say a number of little ones as well.

One other thing I must mention is how refreshing it is to hear a story told with so much spirit and cleverness. A performance like Carmen is the perfect entertainment package because not only is it written and scored with so much verve and wit but, moreover, through its clever use of metaphor and language, it is accessible to the entire family on multiple levels. While the Adults may understand the seduction and seamier side of what's transpiring on the stage, the children will have no need for such distractions preferring instead the exotic and majestic 19th Century sets, the unending dancing acrobatics on the stage, and of course the "American Idol" like quality of this time "real" divas singing, without once having to wonder about the more mature subject matter the Opera explores.

So many columnists and reviewers have written about this Opera of Bizets that it hardly requires my two-cents on the subject. Nevertheless I will emphatically declare that on every level imaginable this particular performance delivers: Complete with melodies and vocal performances which thrill you to the soul, content which challenges your thinking (and is relevant for as long as love itself is relevant), and of course a stage-production that, with its wonderful sets, superb character studies, and exciting action, provides every member of the family something to enjoy, Carmen is the perfect compliment to a family outing. Important to mention also is that, with 3 intermissions, there was plenty of time to make sure you're kids could stretch and use the restroom. In short, it was a perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon, and a surefire way to get your kids interested in the arts.


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